LIVE Online + food plan Quiz LIVE Online quiz All fields are mandatory. First name Last name Email Phone Type of activity at work Office / field Date of birth month / day / year Weight Height Illnesses history No / Yes (write the illnesses) Do you have any allergies? NoYes What allergies? What was the maximum weight you reached? How long ago? How long did maintained this weight? What is your purpose? The goal you want to achieve? Do you consume dairy products? NoYes Do you eat fruits? NoYes Do you eat vegetables? NoYes Do you eat meat? NoYes Favorite foods: Foods and beverages that you would never consume: Other details: How to assess the level of physical effort of daily activities: Very lowLowModerateHard / Very demanding Are you training at this moment? NoYes How often and how long do the workouts last? Do you take nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals? YesNo What nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals?